Thursday, December 31, 2009

PHIZZ Dodecahedron

I just completed my first Module Origami Creation in many years. It is a dodecahedron made out of Pentagon-Hexagon Zig-Zag units (PHiZZ units). The PHiZZ unit is very simple to make and should be very easy for anyone to make. I decided not to get to ambitious and made a simple dodecahedron. This required 30 PHiZZ units.

I did try and make the dodecahedron with an edge chromatic color of 3. I failed to pay close attention to what I was doing and ended up having 2 of the same colors touching. I just don't feel like taking it apart so next time I will pay more attention. Not bad for my first try though!

Here are some pictures. My next project is an Icosahedron made out of Triangle Edge Modules.

In case you want to try to make your own Dodecahedron here are some links I used to make mine!!!

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